Leif and the Last Adventure 


In this adventure, you once again take on the role of Leif, the burly warrior who you met in the Sinister Secret of the Pirate King. This time you will battle solo through this gamebook.
Before you begin your adventure you will need to learn the rules of the game and what you need to do to determine the outcome of your encounters with the various residents of the dungeon.
You have four attributes that are used to show how proficient you are at the various skills of adventuring.
The first is Prowess - this reflects your ability to use weapons, and perform other tasks requiring hand-eye co-ordination. Dungeons are dangerous places so an ability to fight is essential. This score can increase or decrease based on things that happen in the dungeon, often through events or maybe from finding equipment. Keep a note of your score on a piece of paper.
The second is your Fate. The ablest adventurer in the world can still run into serious trouble if they are unlucky. Dungeons are full of dangerous traps and wily enemies. Your fate score will also go up and down depending on what events you run across. You should keep a note of this score too.
The third is your Wits. While your Prowess will be useful for defeating monsters in battle and your Fate may help you get away from dangerous situations, your Wits represent your intelligence, wisdom and other mental faculties. You guessed, this score can go up and down.
The last score is Endurance. Endurance is the measure of your ability to absorb damage. Just about everything in the dungeon is deadly in one way or another so it's very important to keep a close eye and record of this score. This is the only score that you don't want to reach zero - if it does, you have died and must restart the adventure again. Occasionally if you are defeated in battle, you will be instructed to follow an option - do this to discover your fate in the underworld.
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